Who's the Sucker?
Monica Escobar AllenShare
I've lived in New York City since 2001. That's my whole adult life. It's my chosen home. And, TBH, a total accident. I was only supposed to be here two to three years and then go "home." But years went by, four, five, six...and while I had some hardships, it never occurred to me to actually go "home." NYC was home.
My big jump out of the city was in 2009, when I moved to Brooklyn. This was my quieter, suburban move. One whole subway stop away from Manhattan. Scandalous, I know! This was right at the edge, right before the big Brooklyn Renaissance.
It's a good life. And while it's not for everyone, I find comfort in a busy street. I laugh through the struggles. Because it's exciting to live here. It's inspiring. It's made me stronger, literally, in muscles and agility. And it's def never dull. It is what it is. You either get it or you don't.
This is the life I chose.
And over the years I've wondered, should I leave? Where would I go? I like walking everywhere. Is there another walkable city? I think it's kinda funny to be an old New York curmudgeon. Complaining about space and dog poop on the street. Complaining about the three trains it takes to get to a doctor appointment in Manhattan. Should I give my kid a life in a real house with a backyard? Like what I grew up with? But she's getting so much culture here! She's living a fulfilling life. But can I get over the unwarranted sadness I feel about a restaurant operating in a strip mall? And would we never see live music again? Not a cover band at a restaurant. A real band. At a real music venue. And not a stadium. Would I have to drive in snow? Er, would I have to shovel snow? I like the idea of a music studio in the basement, but would I have to push a lawnmower? Would we travel more?

We visit friends and family who live in houses. Who have space. Music studios in basements. Backyards. Swimming pools. Grocery stores with parking lots. Happy Hour at the shopping mall (what??). No one's walking to dinner but they seem happy about that. Loving the life they chose.
So, whether you're Team City or Team 'Burbs, you do you. And while I think city livin' isn't for suckers—the amount of shit we deal with for the amount of money we pay is not lost on me. We, are the suckers. The joke's on me. I'm the real sucker.
Are we all suckers?